hah.. emosi gw udah ke ubun2..
mungkin dia gatau aja kali ya, keadaan gw disini gmn.. yaudah lah ya.. haha gw emang sangat sensitif..
gw bener2 capek boy. melebihi apapun, otak gw bener2 penuh. jd sorry.. tp gw memaklumi, krn gwpun harus ngertiin lo, siapa tau lo benci sm org yg lg sensi krn masalah bodohnya sendiri dan terkadang otaknya kacau, dan bahkan mikir aja ga bs, jd spontan smw yg kluar.
if you really want me to leave you alone FOREVER, i will. because i feel like i am the lucifer.. i am so cruel, and evil, and i have no feeling.. you dont know what i have in mind.. i haven't show you anything.. like my friends' opinion, my opinion and whatsoever. cz maybe I AM EVIL, but i realize it. i am conscious about what i did and how does it make you feel and i regret it. you dont know how much poem i've made for you, you dont know how many times i declare myself as a stupid girl. you, see everything in a different way. i appreciate your point of view. but you dont appreciate mine. so please dont make me feel stupid and do stupid things again. i dont wanna hurt myself anymore. you're a none jerk guy who turns into a jerk guy. and remember one thing again.. i'm a teenage girl. not a 3 year old girl.. i say this in a different way now, i wanna start fresh and new, because i've been through this and i dont wanna do this anymore.. as you said before, no one knows what will happen.. so try to trust your own words..
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